Today’s session set the stage for our program over the next six months. Let me summarise some of the topics we discussed.
Ground Rules
We spoke about ground rules and what they might mean. To reiterate, ground rules are often utilised in workplaces, in teams or on projects where people are working together, and they decide on how they want to work together. This means agreeing to behaviours they are prepared to engage in and hold each other accountable for. They are not set in stone and can be updated at any time.
Confidentiality. I’m glad you raised the issue of confidentiality! You are the only folks to access the Americas Gr2 web pages. One of the reasons why this information is going up on my website is that I believe doing so creates a safe space for you to express your thoughts and feelings.
Between Sessions Homework. There will be NO fixed homework to do in between sessions. Sometimes, we allow great discussions to continue during the session, which might mean a bit of catchup in between. However, I hope you will allow yourself time to reflect on the topics presented. This allows you to think about the subject matter rather than race through it without giving it any contemplative thinking. It is often in the thinking process that we experience a sense of discovery, and I hope that will be the same for you.
Program Buddy. Your buddy was randomly selected and not very scientific! I encourage you to connect with your buddy to discuss how you are doing, your learnings and whatever you feel appropriate.
The Characteristics of Admired Leaders (CAL). The CAL data will be presented in Session 2.
Assessments. It would be appreciated if you could ensure you complete the Emotional Intelligence, MBTI and TKI Assessments as they come through.
In addition, we discussed some Personal Bests and Current Challenges. There was some interesting personal best-sharing where you showed initiative and demonstrated great leadership. Conversely, we discussed intergenerational connection, one of the workplace’s most perplexing issues. Philosophically, how does one bridge the generational divide and provide leadership where there are so many differing perspectives and expectations?
We also covered the importance of knowing what your Core Values are. I suggest this is a reflective private activity that might be useful as many people are rethinking their core values, particularly in light of COVID-19 and significant changes to approaches to working arrangements. Have the things you value and hold most dear changed?
After looking at Barry Posner’s video on Credibility. In the video. Barry asks, ‘Why would anyone want to follow you?’ That is such a great phrase. So, why would anybody want to follow you, me or anyone else? As a leader, what do you bring to the table? The discussion that followed illustrated that leadership looks different for different people. It was particularly interesting to gain an alternative perspective from the conversation within the group, and it really shows the contrasting perspectives that we all may have over the same person or situation.
We talked about DWYSYWD – do you remember what that stood for? Simple yet powerful.
We are off to a great start, and I hope to keep you engaged and really looking forward to these sessions.
In addition, we discussed some Personal Bests and Current Challenges. There was some interesting sharing of personal bests. Conversely, we discussed one the question of balance and the conflict between delegation and doing it yourself. Another challenge was about building consensus within a group. That can be hard work and is often about the processes used to reach an agreement. I’d like to share a theme that seems to surface from other companies and seems to be one of the workplace’s most perplexing issues: intergenerational connection. Philosophically, how does one bridge the generational divide and provide leadership where there are so many differing perspectives and expectations? This may be something you encounter in your leadership journey.
We also covered the importance of knowing your Core Values. I suggest this is a reflective private activity that might be useful as many people are rethinking their core values, particularly in light of COVID-19 and significant changes to approaches to working arrangements. Have the things you value and hold most dear changed?
After looking at Barry Posner’s video on Credibility. In the video. Barry asks, ‘Why would anyone want to follow you?’ That is such a great phrase. So, why would anybody want to follow you, me or anyone else? As a leader, what do you bring to the table? The discussion that followed illustrated that leadership looks different for different people. It was particularly interesting to gain an alternative perspective from the conversation within the group, and it really shows the contrasting perspectives that we all may have over the same person or situation.
We talked about DWYSYWD – do you remember what that stood for? Simple yet powerful.
We are off to a great start, and I hope to add much value to your journey, and really looking forward to future sessions.
Session 1 Videos
S1a-Welcome & Introductions
[23:03 min]
S1b – Credible Leaders Discussion
[25:15 min]
S1c – 5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership [22:47 min]
S1d – Personal Best / Current Challenges
[20:25 min]
Slide Deck – Session 1- Exemplary Leaders Pt 1
Learning – Self-Direction ( getting the best out of the program!)
- Review the videos and think about how you Model the Way and Inspire a Shared Vision.
- Is there anything you would like to do differently to increase your effectiveness in this area.?
- Connect with your Buddy and discuss what you learned during this session.
Credibility – Barry Posner