Are you working with a psychopath?
bullying, Communication, GeneralPsychopaths - Do you know this person?
How many of you have found yourself to be working with an egotistical and insensitive work colleague who exerts significant power and control over staff and colleagues? Does this person seem oblivious…

Derailing Your Career
Career, General, Leadership, NewsAre you in danger of derailing your career? Did you know that 30 to 50% of high potential managers and executives experience Career Derailment? Research tells us that those who want to lead, like to take charge and are generally dissatisfied…

Task and Relationship Behaviour
Communication, General, Leadership, Managing PerformanceTask-Oriented Behaviour (TOB’s)
Task-oriented leaders have a preference for behaviours that get the necessary task, or series of tasks, in hand in order to achieve a goal. These leaders are typically less concerned with the idea of catering…

What is Wrong with this Manager?
General, Leadership, Managing Performance, NewsAs a manager, you may wonder why staff are not performing to the level you believe they could or should and you probably get frustrated!
Sometimes, and for a whole range of reasons, staff performance can be variable or simply decline. We…

Managing Poor Performance
General, Leadership, Managing PerformancePoor performance - Are you confident about managing it? Most people managers I meet, are not!
Managers fear they will be accused of bullying, mental stress, harassment and unfair treatment. The level of anxiety that managers have about…