Derailing Your Career
Career, General, Leadership, NewsAre you in danger of derailing your career? Did you know that 30 to 50% of high potential managers and executives experience Career Derailment? Research tells us that those who want to lead, like to take charge and are generally dissatisfied…

What is Wrong with this Manager?
General, Leadership, Managing Performance, NewsAs a manager, you may wonder why staff are not performing to the level you believe they could or should and you probably get frustrated!
Sometimes, and for a whole range of reasons, staff performance can be variable or simply decline. We…

You’re never too old to learn new things!
Learning & Development, NewsYou're never too old to learn new things and I guess relaunching a website is not a big deal, however, I built this website, yes me!
Two years ago, on a mere whim, I decided that I’d like to study Digital Design. It has been an interesting…

Welcome to the HR by Design Blog
NewsWelcome to our new website and blog. It is my hope that this blog will open up candid conversations of interest about human resources practices and processes and human resources issues. To commence with, it has always staggered me how people…